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Masterclasses are born out of the need to explain and share experiences

on this great trip called Brincadeira.


Generally these workshops are exclusive for percussion groups seeking to work on their artistic side with the goal of developing their own identity and sense of self.

They are personally taught by Edison Aguilar, artistic and creative director of the Company.


What do these Masterclasses consist of?


First of all, we transmit our influences that take us to Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. Our trips in recent years have been constant and we have been able to see, first hand, all its extensive culture.


Secondly, we have been very lucky to take part in various performing arts festivals and meet Companies with proven quality. Which has made it easier for us to generate a solid structure and to expose the different objectives within the scope of street percussion.


Third , we work on "movement and its musicality ".

Main tool to communicate  and capture the feeling in an instant.

"Create through movement

and at the same time communicate a feeling .. "

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